And I see your point. Yes that is exactly it. Black Lives Matter has cornered the market and now nobody can infringe on the copyright.
I think the struggle for justice and equality will go nowhere until entitlements and sole possession of public sympathy through snappy slogans are used.
Stop calling my plea for equality supremacist and racist and shitting on a counteractive slogan.
Every attorney can argue for or against a defendant equally and everyone accepts it.
And so it is with all these race issues. We need to find accepting behaviors instead of divisive ones.
Don't tell me I don't understand. Don't label me. If you think I need educating on the subject teach me.
But nobody is making intellectual sense.
We all feel bad that black men are being killed by police.
They and their deaths are no more important or special than all other people killed by police.
And the police who are killed by everyone deserve some grievance as well. I HATE it when a police officer is killed. They sign up to protect people. Imagine doing their job right now when the entire world is trying to paint them as killers of black people. Asinine.
Show me scientific evidence and statistics that explain why the world needs a Black Lives Matter movement instead of or above any other "this life" matters movement.